Thursday, May 21, 2015

Answers About The Afterlife: Questions About the Spirit World; Discussion Four

    In this entry we are moving to the spirit world itself.  The first question is, "What's the difference between the afterlife, heaven, the here after, the spirit world, and the other side?"  As Bob addresses in this chapter these are terms that some might say mean the same thing, synonyms, if you will. Now, my perception of this might seem a little bit different.  The way I have had it shown to me, is imagine that heaven is like a high rise, there's entry level, and then you have midlevel, and you can progress up to the penthouse.  How does one progress?  Through soul evolution.  As we incarnate on earth we learn lessons, the way we handle things evolves, hence our soul evolves.  With this evolution comes the ability to go further up in the high rise of heaven.  Always keep in mind those on the upper floors can come down and visit, but those on the lower floors can not visit the higher floors until they evolve to the level.

     Why has no on proven that the afterlife exists? Proving the afterlife is tied to belief systems.  It might be difficult to "prove", but people can come to a belief and understanding based on their own experiences.  There's this saying for some there's no proof that would be enough, and for some there's  no proof that's needed.  In other words, if you are dealing someone who cynical, no matter what happens they are not going to believe it.  And for people who have a belief system that it exists, you don't need to prove it to them.

    What's it like in the spirit world?  Here is another area where your beliefs play into your experience.  When a person first dies or passes from the earthly plane into the spirit plane, what they hold as hard line beliefs will effect what they encounter when they first arrive.  Some people believe in a transition, some believe in purgatory, some believe we retrain looks of our body as we do on the physical plane.  For those who have strong beliefs in these types of things, it take a period of adjustment, but they will experience exactly what they expect.  Keep in mind there are always loved ones and guides to help with those adjustment times.

    What do we do in the spirit world? There is no one answer that fits for everyone.  Some souls continue their work on soul evolution in the spirit plane before choosing to reincarnate on the earthly plane. At times souls can even study in the spirit world before they decide to come back to earth, that is if they decide to come back, it is a choice.  Coming to earth to learn life lessons is a choice and it's like taking advanced classes in school, because the work here is harder than in the spirit world, but most believe it is worth it.

     If there is an afterlife, does that mean there is a hell as well?  I agree with Bob's writing here, in that there is not one in the literal sense of a fire pit.  Again, keep in mind that if your belief system carries that there is one, and you believe you are going there, you will experience for a short period of time until you adjust to the spirit world and get reacquainted and remember that that is a concept used on earth.  On earth our beliefs carry into the spirit world, and not all of them are exact in the way we have come to believe in them on earth.

    Are we judged or punished for our wrongdoings when we arrive in the afterlife?  We do have a life review, to see how we have made certain choices.  Experiencing the other people's feelings and the ways in which our choices have effected others, but as for punishment, we punish ourselves.  We are given a chance to make different choices, and improve what can be improved upon.

     How do our religious beliefs and practices affect us in the afterlife?  They affect us greatly upon first arrival, but then we adjust and are given an opportunity for our truth to expand.  We realize the difference between religion and spirituality, which by the way go hand-in-hand.  Instead of being so grounded in dogma, we need to be open to the truth expanding like a flower does when it's growing.

     Which religion is closest to the truth?  They all have a foundation in truth, and all are necessary so we can have certain experiences.  Closest to the truth is relative to what you come to earth to experience.  We are all worshipping the same God, it's just that we call him different things.

   Can our loved ones hear us in the spirit world?  They most definitely can, and they can see us as well.  With the single thought they know you are thinking of them.  Also they come to visit us, and try to let us know they are around, sometimes through smell, or touch, or manipulating energy.  Always pay attention to the signs and our loved ones will let us know they are there.  Also, you can have contact with them through psychic medium reading.  A psychic medium can hear, see, and feel the loved ones in the spirit realm.  Having a reading with medium can bring peace and healing to those left here on the earthly plane, while the loved ones are in the spirit world.

  I hope this entry finds you well and helps you in some way.  Until next time, Love and Light to you, and pay attention to the signs around you.  If you'd like to set up an appointment for a reading please send an email,, or call 914 620 5776.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Answers About the Afterlife: Discussion Three, Questions About Death and Dying

   We know that the way we think of dying isn't really dying at all, it's simply moving to another dimension, if you will.  The spirit plane, or the heavenly realm are two names I personally like to use.  Here on earth we consider it dying because we no longer have a body and are no longer able to see with our "eyes" the person who has "died".  

  Our soul never dies. We are not humans with a soul, we are souls who are experiencing being human.  There's a big difference.  Our consciousness is the spirit, or is the soul, and it goes on for ETERNITY. So, what is it that determines when  and how we "die"?  There are so many elements that go into this.  Before we are born, the way I like to explain it, (as it has been shown to me over and over again), we sit down with a "guidance counselor", an elder,  our team of spirit guides, and we decide what are going to experience in this lifetime.  What are the life lessons we wish to learn? When we decide the lessons, we also make agreements with other souls to experience certain lessons with them.  This is  why we come in contact with some people and we feel a certain magnetism, or draw to that person.  It's because recognize the soul, even if we don't actually recognize the person.  It's that feeling of, I've known you forever.  In reality, you have known them forever. We travel in soul groups and we change up the relationships we have the souls, depending on the lessons and the agreements we make prior to incarnating in any given lifetime.  As hard as it may be to imagine, we make choices to experience certain illnesses, or to have certain trauma come into our lives, so we have the experience of it, and see how we handle it.  It's all about choices that we make and how we handle those things that show up.

  Don't get weighted down with the idea that only thing we are here to do is learn lessons.  We also incarnate to enjoy life itself.  As you know though, deciding to enjoy it is a personal choice.  I know you've probably run across a person or two in your life who is perfectly happy being miserable.  They wouldn't know how to behave if they didn't have something to complain about.  That aside, we can as souls decide that we are going to be happy and really enjoy what we have been gifted with. 

 There are souls who are here for the primary purpose of helping other in reaching their goals and life lessons.  This is a reason why soul stays is to help another. Another factor in death and dying is opportunity. There are situations where a death can occur, but a spirit guide steps in and stops it because the souls has other things to accomplish while they are here. I can personally attest to this, because I've had a number of time when I've walked away from a situation that was surprising.  I will share one with you now just so you can get a feel for what I'm talking about. Back in 1993 I was in an automobile accident.  I was making a left turn out of a shopping center on a very busy local road.  After I looked both ways, I proceeded to make the turn, and a BIG concrete truck that I didn't see came flying over the hill.  He hit my car in the front (driver's side) quarter panel.  The car was brand new. We get the car off the road into the shopping center. A state trooper shows up to investigate the accident.  At the moment I wasn't feeling any pain, was just sort of stunned.  Well, the driver of the concrete truck was pacing back and forth, and very nervous and upset.  He knew how bad the accident could have been.  The driver's door, mine, was missed with less than twelve inches to spare.  Had he hit the door, I would not be here telling you this story.  Well, I could hear as the trooper was questioning him.  He kept saying, "Something turned the wheel of the truck.  Really, something turned the wheel of the truck. I don't know what or who it was."  He was probably coming too fast over the hill, but I was charged because he clearly had the right of way.  But that didn't happen until after the trooper finished giving him field sobriety tests to be sure he wasn't under the influence.  The poor guy was so shaken, I really felt bad for him.  Had the car not been brand new it would have been considered totaled by the insurance company.  There was 12,000 worth of damage to the car, and yes, my insurance company cancelled my insurance after the accident. Having experienced a few times in my life where there was Divine intervention, I wasn't as shocked or as confused as the truck driver.  I knew by this point, I am well protected.  There was a knowing that God has some things planned for me that required me staying on earth for a while.  Don't get me wrong, I don't go out here and intentionally put myself in harms way, but this is not by far the only thing I've ever been through that I might not have walked away from without those special protections.  

  Another thing that plays into our death and the timing of is is our own free will.  There have many people where the doctors say, oh, he has three months, she has two weeks; only to be proven wrong by the person who is just not ready yet. In the most dire of situations one can have a strong will to live and it override what is a possible out for them.  

People often ask about karma, or the reap what you sow factor.  There is some of that involved in our lives and we can't minimize it's effects on our lives. We should all try to live by the rule, do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  I've also been asked a number of time if a loved one felt pain during their death.  This is a troubling prospect for many. I've been told and shown that when death is imminent, that the spirit guide or loved one there to meet the person, brings them out before the pain can be felt. I've also been told they don't feel fear or anxiety with it.  Sometimes people who have had a near death experience will feel pain when they return to the body, but not during the "death" portion of it. I hope that makes sense to you.  
  There are others who wish to know if death is dark and scary. Our beliefs can play a part in what we see when we first arrive on the spirit plane.  This is why we have soul family that meets us, to help us transition to Light.  Once a person transitions they no longer feel the pain of any illness or trauma that they have experienced.  They can, however, feel our sadness and grief.  Our loved ones can visit us in dreams, and they can make their presence known to us during our waking hours.  One thing I have seen over and over again that blocks this is the pain of the person grieving.  We never stop missing our loved ones, but we can allow our pain wall to recede so they can make the connection with us.  Grieving is a process, and it is a very individual thing.  I've dealt with people who missed a loved one after they were gone, but they knew that the soul was a very good place so they didn't have a pain wall at all.  And I've seen the other end of the spectrum, where someone had died ten years before and it was as though it had just happened and the person's pain wall was so high that I could physically feel it.

   I'd like to close this particular discussion with the fact that we are able to communicate with our loved one in spirit.  You can do so through a gifted psychic medium by having  a reading.  But also to let you know that you can communicate directly with your loved ones.  They can hear you when you speak aloud to them, as well as when you think of them. If you get a sign from a loved one, acknowledge it.  We have a tendency to logically explain away the signs they bring us.  If something happens, a song comes on the radio, you smell a certain scent, you see something that was special to a loved one and the first thought that pops into your head is of a specific loved one, just acknowledge that it is from them. When you do this, you will start to see more signs and feel their presence even more.  Remember, we don't die, we just move to a new location.